At PickEat, we've crafted a business model that mirrors the success strategies of leading F&B industry giants such as Deliveroo and Just Eat. Our approach is finely tuned to address diverse event scenarios, with two primary considerations at its core: the size of the event and the availability of network infrastructure.

Tailored Solutions for Varied Needs

When Network is Available

For events where network infrastructure is readily available, our model is straightforward:

This structure ensures ease of implementation and a clear revenue path.

When Network is Not Available

In scenarios where network infrastructure is lacking or needs customization, our approach is flexible. We tailor our services based on the specific integrations required and the unique needs of our clients. This adaptability allows us to provide optimal solutions, irrespective of the event's technological landscape.

Collaborative Partnerships

Additionally, we often engage in joint ventures with event organizers. This collaboration is a cornerstone of our business model, allowing us to adjust our fees or adopt a revenue-sharing scheme based on the specific partnership and event dynamics.

Business Model KPI

To build our business model tailor-made for our customers, we need the following data: