Our main competitor are:

We've seen different solution that are trying to implement app on user side to skip the queue and order online. But there are many issues.

This is why we want to start on vendor side at the stadium. Understanding the production time of any single item, how many orders they can manage at the same time and supplies. With those data working to make a distribution before the event and know exactly the capacity ptoduction time slot per timeslot.

Then, we can optimise supplies and distribution with pre-orders and machine learning (or AI as today is more popular) on previous orders.

Then, we can move on user side and let them order and pay via smartphone, the available timeslots willl be the timeslots where the vedor still has capacity. At the same time we don't want to move the line on digital side, so we'll be the vendor with a notification to notify to the user that the order is ready.

We want to optimize production capacity, saving costs and waste (becasue you make errors due to the stress) and at the same time we offer to fans an experience on the event with no wasting time.