Our frontend application is expertly crafted using Dart with Flutter, adhering to the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern for efficient and scalable user interface development. This choice ensures a seamless and responsive user experience across various platforms.

On the backend, we employ Golang, providing a robust and agile server-side solution. Our database of choice is PostgreSQL, known for its robustness and performance, making ideal to provide services at a scale reliably. We still have part of it in NodeJs with database on MongoDb.

Our entire suite of services is deployed on Microsoft Azure, leveraging the cloud platform's powerful and reliable serverless infrastructure. To maintain our high standards of code quality and streamlined deployment, we employ a suite of CI/CD using both Docker CR and Github Actions. These tools facilitate continuous integration and delivery, enabling us to deploy updates and new features rapidly and securely.

This tech stack reflects our commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology to provide a top-tier service, ensuring reliability, scalability, and an exceptional user experience.