Our main customers are sports teams and their venues, along with festivals.

We had the opportunity to test our platform in 3 differen events:

And these are the main results:

Percentage of restaurants in the event that join the App 82% of restaurants present at the events
Percentage of food truck pre-registered for nex year at Mercatino del gusto 89%
Conversion rate in the event 43% of people from QrCode have downloaded the App
Downloads 1243 per day
Settlement (pre-event) 500€ per day, per restaurant
App logins in 5 days 11.967 At Mercatino del Gusto
Orders via PickEat 22% of total orders

We were also able to reach the sold-out in 2 restaurants at Mercatino del Gusto, 2 days before the event.

We converted the 87% of restaurants to be listed on our app and then 89% of food truck at the event pre-registered to be on our app at Mercatino del Gusto 2024.